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Letter from Ed – Update on new album, "Second Winter", 17 February 2012

Update on shipping "Second Winter"

First, thanks to everyone that’s pre-ordered this album, your support is appreciated and has helped to make the release possible.

At one point we were looking at one of those public fundraising places like Kickstarter to get this finished but I decided against it this time round…. maybe next time …we shall see.

Anyway...I’m told we’re looking at shipping ‘’Second Winter’’ in the first week of March. Apparently there’s been a slight delay with the pre-order bonus disc. [See below for further info]

This may mean that it isn’t ready to be included with the discs available at the shows in Melbourne and Adelaide.

So if you were intending to pick up a copy at these shows you may wish to keep this in mind.

If you haven’t already ordered you can at….. www.edkuepper.comedkuepper.com , this will ensure getting a copy of the bonus disc.

Bonus disc info

Mark Dawson and myself "Live at the Basement" early 2011. The complete unedited second set, approx 75 minutes. Essentially the entire ‘’Today Wonder ‘’ album plus encores.

Mostly when I put the live releases together for the bootleg series, I edit out the between song banter/chat/blather whatever you wish to call it…… this time around I didn’t-- mainly due to time constraints but also because one or two people requested I leave it in. I’m not being overly modest there, I think four people did- so of course this recording may contain coarse language and adult concepts]

Also for the elitists/collectors amongst you I’ve been asked to mention we don’t intend to make the live disc available anywhere else –not even download at this point.

Anyway because I don’t tweet yet I’m not going to bombard you with exciting minute by minute updates regarding when the delivery van is coming around the corner etc etc but… someone will let you know either when we have a concrete date and/or the album is shipped [or posted as the case may be]

Thanks and take care!

Ed Kuepper 17th Feb 2012